
Movie Review : SOUL

    Hello guys, since I am very busy recently adn today I have freetime so I decide to  review movie that I watch yesterday. So the movie title is Soul and the duration is around two hour and I Enjoy watching it . The movie about one guy that didnt enjoy his life and he move to magical world because he was dead . In this magical world Human was created by mysterious creature. And he meet one soul that didnt want to be human and want to be a soul forever named 22. But this guy want back to earth so he search ways to comeback.In short He back to earth with 22 but his soul got stuck in cat body  and 22 soul got stuck In his body. In short 22 realize that live in earth is so wonderful.And he want lives in his body to find her sparkle(reason for life).And after that he realize the most important things in life is be grateful even for a little moment. And finally he came  back to his body and live happily. In my opinion this was a good movie. I really enjoying watching this movie , After I w

Blog and Film review about "Nico's Weg"

  Hello guys , today i will review about film that I watched yesterday . The title of this film is "Nico's Weg". First of all i will rate this film at 9/10. I thought this film was so good.The language level is easy to understand.And the film had a good plot and story that make me happy, so i enjoy watching this film.Also the actors and actress had a good acting skill that make the film more better .The moral value of this movie was literarely so good too . I thought the good movie should have a good moral value inside , so it will make the  viewers getting better after they watching the film However this film is easy to understand , there was some words that hard to know. And sometimes you will feel bored watching this movie.But overall this film was good and had a good moral value inside.

Recommendation letter

November 10 , 2020 Eric Stevan  Student 150 Gempol sari Recommendation for Aisyah Najma  I have know Aisyah najma very well because we study at same class. I see Aisyah was a good student with a good attitude.And I think Aisyah najwa was good in biology class , so I recommend Aisyah to be a doctor , I thinks it will suit her passion. Eric Stevan  Student

My Ambition

 Hello all ! Good morning Im Eric and today I will tell you about my ambition.My future goals is to be a doctor.Personally i dont know why, but maybe because almost all of my family suggest me to be a doctor , and i thinks my favourite subject that mean biology suit to my goals.  Because  personally I love biology so bad. I think it will be a good desicion to me to be a doctor. My hobby is reading and watching movies . In my highschool im choosing theater as my extracurricular. So according to my hobby and extracurricular , my future goals its not related to what activity  that I like the most. So that make me confused a little bit. Im still confuse what actually the best desicion for me and today im still finding out what the best future goals for me by do many activities.But whatever it will be I hope my future goals will be the best plans that God gives to me and I will make my parents proud by seeing me became succes person.


Asking And Giving Opinion  Eric : Ceriq,do you see that shirt ?  Ceriq : Where is Eric ? Eric : Look the blue one! Ceriq : wow it is so good  Eric : What do you think if I use it ?  Ceriq : I think it is suitable with you and your appearance , the color look quite good  Eric : I think it sounds good , well I will buy 

Suggestion and Offer

Dialogue  Eric : Hi Ceric , what are you doing ?  Ceric : Im drinking , do you want some coffee ? Eric : No thanks , bye the way do you know about ''Permira Raya 2020'' ? Ceric : of course yes, but im still cofuse  Eric : Why ? Ceric : Because im not sure who shall  I pick  Eric : hmmm I don't know but Im suggest  choosing Andhika to be our leader  Ceric  : why? Eric : Because Andhika has a good character and a smart person  Ceric : OK , sounds good to me  Eric : OK lets go... Ceric : Lets go...

covid -19

CORONAViRUS Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)  is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.  Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.  Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washi